The Importance of Using an Antioxidants on your Skin
Antioxidants Many of my patients ask me, “What is the Importance of using Antioxidants on your skin?”. Antioxidants are the bodyguards of your skin, they are brave and fearless and fight against free radicals (oxidation) which cause mayhem on our skin.
Retinoids: a must have in your skincare routine
Topical retinoids are still considered as the gold standard of ingredients for antiageing. It is one of the superheroes of the skin with the ability to repair skin damage, help treat acne, improve skin texture and reduce pigmentation. They are
Face Serums: Why You Should Use One
Face serums are highly concentrated formulations designed to address specific skin concerns. I know you wish all these ingredients could fit in your nighttime or daytime moisturizers, but hey there simply isn’t room to fit in all these.serums are packed with